2011년 3월 22일 화요일

Making simple rootfs using ELDK

ELDK ramdisk is really small and the ELDK pacakages includes almost all of the utils.
You do not need to navigate web and try to searching source code for SW pacakges
Basically root file system packages are included in PSP but that also includes something that we do not need and it makes increase flash image size and sometime it spends useless time for boot.

If you are using ELDK rootfs and just exchange libs and binaries, you can get optimized filesystem for your own. Then add packages what you need.

Offcial homepage : http://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/ELDK

References :

Env : I did under Fedora12

1. ELDK package download

2. mount iso image.
 Make directory for mount point
 For mounting iso image, log-in as root
 mounting iso image

 [dokyun@kalimdor ELDK]$ mkdir armiso
 [dokyun@kalimdor ELDK]$ su
 [root@kalimdor ELDK]# mount -t iso9660 -o loop ./arm-2008-11-24.iso armiso

3. Install ELDK


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